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  • Replace your plastic toothbrush for Bamboo
  • Fairly-traded
  • Vegan
  • BPA-free


  • Our planet-friendly toothbrushes are made from bamboo - a strong, sustainable material with natural antibacterial properties. The handles are completely biodegradable, so when you’re finished, simply break off the bristles and pop the handle into your compost or food waste collection bin. 

    Don't forget - for every 1 brush purchased, 1 more will be gifted to someone in need on your behalf.

  • Conventional plastic toothbrushes are made from polypropylene which is sourced from non-renewable fossil fuels. They're basically indestructible, which means the first toothbrushes we had as kids are still hanging around in some form, polluting the planet. Every year billions of plastic toothbrushes are thrown away. They are dumped into our oceans or end up in landfills, where they sit around for about 1,000 years before finally breaking down.

    ✓ Sustainable

    ✓ Antimicrobial

    ✓ Eco-friendly

    ✓ Eco-Packaging

    Bamboo toothbrushes are an eco friendly alternative because bamboo is a natural, fully-biodegradable plant and also a renewable and sustainable resource. It's one of the fastest growing plants on the planet, so we don't need to worry about running out either.

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